👖Testing season just got a whole lot comfier, It’s Jean Week at La Joya ISD! 👖
11 months ago, La Joya ISD
👖Testing season just got a whole lot comfier, It’s Jean Week at La Joya ISD! 👖
Exciting News! 🎉 La Joya ISD is thrilled to announce that we are offering an exceptional Full Day Pre-K3 & Pre-K4 Program at all Elementary Schools! 🏫💫 Our Pre-K program is designed to nurture early childhood development and ignite a passion for learning from the very start. Registration for the upcoming school year is now OPEN! 📣 Don't miss out—ENROLL TODAY and choose La Joya ISD for an enriching educational experience! ✏️📚 To enroll, simply click on the link below: 🔗 Online Enrollment: https://www.lajoyaisd.com/enroll
11 months ago, La Joya ISD
📢 SUPERINTENDENT'S 60 DAY UPDATE📅 What an incredible 60 days it has been here at La Joya ISD! In just two months, I’ve had the privilege of immersing myself in our district and learning from each of you. I’ve met many more incredible individuals and witnessed firsthand the talent and dedication within our district. As I continue to engage with our staff, students, parents, and community members, I’m reminded of the tremendous potential that exists within La Joya ISD. Our journey ahead is clear—we have much work to do, but I’m confident that with dedication and perseverance, we will build upon our existing strengths and strive for excellence. Transparency and sharing our learnings will remain paramount as we progress. I want to reassure you all that I am fully committed to advocating for our students’ success in every decision we make.Let’s stride hand in hand along this journey toward greatness, united in our pursuit of excellence! Dr. Marcey Sorensen Superintendent of Schools ********************************* 📢 ACTUALIZACIÓN DE 60 DÍAS DE LA SUPERINTENDENTE📅 ¡Qué increíbles 60 días han sido aquí en La Joya ISD! En solo dos meses, tuve el privilegio de sumergirme en nuestro distrito y aprender de cada uno de ustedes. He conocido a muchas más personas increíbles y he sido testigo de primera mano del talento y la dedicación dentro de nuestro distrito. A medida que sigo interactuando con nuestro personal, estudiantes, padres y miembros de la comunidad, recuerdo el tremendo potencial que existe dentro de La Joya ISD. El camino que tenemos por delante es claro: tenemos mucho trabajo por hacer, pero confío en que, con dedicación y perseverancia, aprovecharemos nuestras fortalezas existentes y nos esforzaremos por alcanzar la excelencia. La transparencia y el intercambio de nuestros aprendizajes seguirán siendo primordiales a medida que avancemos. Quiero asegurarles a todos que estoy totalmente comprometida a defender el éxito de nuestros estudiantes en cada decisión que tomemos. ¡Caminemos de la mano en este viaje hacia la grandeza, unidos en nuestra búsqueda de la excelencia educativa! Dra. Marcey Sorensen Superintendente de Escuelas
11 months ago, La Joya ISD
60 day Update
60 day update spanish
📅🎉 The La Joya ISD 2024-2025 Approved District Calendar is now available! 🌟 Get ready for another fantastic academic year filled with learning and growth. Check out the calendar and start planning your year ahead! 📚
11 months ago, La Joya ISD
📅🎉 The La Joya ISD 2024-2025 Approved District Calendar is now available! 🌟 Get ready for another fantastic academic year filled with learning and growth. Check out the calendar and start planning your year ahead! 📚
🎉 We are thrilled to announce that La Joya ISD has been honored as a 2024 NAMM Best Communities for Music Education recipient! 🎶 This incredible achievement marks the 7th consecutive year that LJISD has been recognized with this prestigious award. 🏆 We are immensely proud of our dedicated students, passionate educators, and supportive community for their commitment to music education. Thank you for helping us create a thriving environment where the arts flourish at La Joya ISD! 🎵👏
11 months ago, La Joya ISD
🎉 We are thrilled to announce that La Joya ISD has been honored as a 2024 NAMM Best Communities for Music Education recipient!
It’s National Assistant Principals Week! 🎉👩‍🏫👨‍🏫 We want to give a big shoutout to all the amazing assistant principals at La Joya ISD! Thank you for your commitment to our students' success! Your hard work and dedication make a difference in our schools every day. 🏫💪🎓 #AssistantPrincipalWeek #APWeek24
11 months ago, La Joya ISD
National Assistant Principals Week!
Attention employees! 🌟 Take advantage of our enticing incentives for early resignation or retirement notices. 💼 *********************** ¡Atención empleados! 🌟 Aprovechen nuestros atractivos incentivos para renuncias anticipadas o notificaciones de jubilación. 💼
12 months ago, La Joya ISD
Attention all employees! 🌟 Take advantage of our enticing incentives for early resignation or retirement notices. 💼 Secure your future with exclusive rewards.
Attention all employees! 🌟 Take advantage of our enticing incentives for early resignation or retirement notices. 💼 Secure your future with exclusive rewards.
We still have townhall meetings coming up!! We value our community and your input, so don't worry if you can't make it – share your feedback via the link below. Let's shape our community together! 🌟 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc0HNuuXR0MIN5gg7OSAmNp2_V5EC8Fm8uhN5-l3--kmTFeLw/viewform?usp=send_form ************************** ¡Aun tenemos próximas reuniones comunitarias! Valoramos a nuestra comunidad y su opinión, así que no se preocupen si no pueden asistir; compartan sus comentarios a través del enlace a continuación. ¡Formemos nuestra comunidad juntos! 🌟 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc0HNuuXR0MIN5gg7OSAmNp2_V5EC8Fm8uhN5-l3--kmTFeLw/viewform?usp=send_form
12 months ago, La Joya ISD
Townhall meetings info on post
Townhall meetings info on post
🌟 Welcome back from Spring Break, everyone! 🌸 We hope you had a rejuvenating time off. As we dive back into the swing of things, don't forget about the important meetings happening this week. We have community meetings and teacher meetings scheduled to discuss the upcoming school calendar. Your input is invaluable, so be sure to join us! 📅 Let's make this week productive and inspiring together! 💫 ***************************** 🌟 ¡Bienvenidos a, todos! 🌸 Esperamos que hayan tenido unas vacaciones de primavera excelentes. Al sumergirnos de nuevo en la rutina, no olviden las reuniones importantes que tendremos esta semana. Tenemos programadas reuniones comunitarias y reuniones de maestros para discutir el próximo calendario escolar. Su opinión es invaluable, ¡así que asegúrense de asistir con nosotros! 📅 💫
12 months ago, La Joya ISD
Townhall Meetings Info on Flier
Townhall Meetings Info on Flier
Townhall Meetings Info on Flier
🐼 Don't forget to join us today to support the La Joya ISD fundraiser at Panda Express in Peñitas! 50% of all sales will be donated to La Joya ISD. Don't forget to enter the code in the flyer below or bring a copy of the flyer to the restaurant to get the discount. Let's make a difference together! 🍜 Code #370588
about 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
La Joya ISD Fundraiser
La Joya ISD
🐼🎉 Join us in supporting La Joya ISD! Visit Panda Express in Peñitas tomorrow, March 7, 2024, for a fundraiser where 50% of all sales will be donated to La Joya ISD. Don't forget to enter the code provided in the flyer below or simply bring a copy of the flyer to the restaurant. Let's make a difference together! 🍜
about 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
🐼🎉 Join us in supporting La Joya ISD! 🏫 Visit Panda Express for a fundraiser where 50% of all sales will be donated to La Joya ISD. Don't forget to enter the code provided in the flyer below or simply bring a copy of the flyer to the restaurant. Let's make a difference together! 🍜💙 #SupportLaJoyaISD #CommunityFundraiser
🐼🎉 Join us in supporting La Joya ISD! 🏫 Visit Panda Express for a fundraiser where 50% of all sales will be donated to La Joya ISD. Don't forget to enter the code provided in the flyer below or simply bring a copy of the flyer to the restaurant. Let's make a difference together! 🍜💙 #SupportLaJoyaISD #CommunityFundraiser
La Joya ISD will be taking a little break to observe spring break from March 11-15. Classes will resume their normal schedule on Monday, March 18. Administrative offices and all campuses will be closed Monday through Friday, March 11-15. Have a safe spring break! ************************************* La Joya ISD observará las vacaciones de primavera del 11 al 15 de marzo. Las clases reanudarán su horario normal el lunes 18 de marzo. Las oficinas administrativas y todas las escuelas estarán cerradas de lunes a viernes, del 11 al 15 de marzo.
about 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
Spring Break
📢 Calling all parents! This meeting is specifically for parents of children identified with a disability in Special Education or the 504 program, who are currently enrolled in 8th to 12th grade. 🌟 Topics Covered: • Who is Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services • What are Pre Employment Transition Services? • Benefits to student • When and how to get started • Meet your point of contact *********************************** 📢 ¡Atención padres! Esta reunión está especialmente diseñada para padres de niños identificados con una discapacidad en Educación Especial o en el programa 504, que actualmente están matriculados en 8º a 12º grado.🌟 Temas: • ¿Quién es Texas Workforce Solutions-Servicios de rehabilitación vocacional? • ¿Qué son los servicios de transición previos al empleo? • Beneficios para el estudiante • Cuando y como empezar • Conozca a su punto de contacto
about 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
Texas Workforce Meeting
Texas Workforce Meeting
📢 Friendly Reminder! Join Us for Open House! Middle Schools -Monday, March 4, 2024 @ 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Elementary Schools - Wednesday, March 6, 2024 @ 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM High Schools -Thursday, March 7, 2024 @ 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
about 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
Join Us for Open House!
📢 SUPERINTENDENT'S 30 DAY UPDATE📅 What an incredible 30 days it has been here at La Joya ISD! In such a short period of time, I’ve had the privilege of learning so much and meeting many of you. I’m eager to continue meeting the rest of our amazing staff, students, parents, and community members. I have discovered that we have wonderfully talented and dedicated students and educators here in La Joya ISD and that we have a lot of work ahead of us. I have no doubt that with dedication and hard work, we will ensure our district builds on the strong foundations that already exist in order to exemplify excellence and continue to share out what we learn, transparently. Rest assured; I am committed to working tirelessly every day to ensure the success of our students is at the forefront of all of our decision-making processes. Let’s continue this journey together towards greatness! Dr. Marcey Sorensen Superintendent of Schools ********************************* 📢 ACTUALIZACIÓN DE 30 DÍAS DE LA SUPERINTENDENTE📅 ¡Qué increíbles 30 días han sido aquí en La Joya ISD! En tan poco tiempo, he tenido el privilegio de aprender mucho y conocer a muchos de ustedes. Estoy ansioso por seguir conociendo al resto de nuestro increíble personal, estudiantes, padres y miembros de la comunidad. He descubierto que tenemos estudiantes y educadores maravillosamente talentosos y dedicados aquí en La Joya ISD y que tenemos mucho trabajo por delante. No tengo ninguna duda de que con dedicación y trabajo duro, aseguraremos que nuestro distrito se base en las bases sólidas que ya existen para ejemplificar la excelencia y continuar compartiendo lo que aprendemos de manera transparente. Está seguro; Estoy comprometido a trabajar incansablemente todos los días para garantizar que el éxito de nuestros estudiantes esté al frente de todos nuestros procesos de toma de decisiones. ¡Continuemos este viaje juntos hacia la grandeza! Dra. Marcey Sorensen Superintendente de Escuelas
about 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
30 day update
30 day update
La Joya ISD Celebrates Texas Public Schools Week March 4 - March 8. Successfully Educating all Students!! Join Us for Open House! Middle Schools -Monday, March 4, 2024 @ 6:00PM - 7:30PM Elementary Schools - Wednesday, March 6, 2024 @ 6:00PM - 7:30PM High Schools -Thursday, March 7, 2024 @ 6:00PM - 7:30PM
about 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
La Joya ISD Celebrates Texas Public Schools Week  March 4 -  March 8.  Successfully Educating all Students!!
Help us congratulate our Regional Science Fair winners! Thank you to Mrs. Gonzalez for giving our students this opportunity.
about 1 year ago, Dr. Javier Saenz M.S.
Students with medals
Students with medals
Students with medals
⚠️DISTRICT UPDATE ⚠️ La Joya ISD initiated a lockdown at 8:22 a.m. following a notification from the La Joya Police Department regarding an unauthorized presence on the premises of the La Joya ISD transportation building. Our Chief of Police immediately coordinated with the City of La Joya to identify any potential intruders and ensure the security of La Joya ISD campuses, including La Joya High School, Thelma Salinas STEM High School, Jimmy Carter Early College, CCC, Academic Health Science Profession, Hope, and La Joya ISD Central Office. Once all areas were confirmed secure, the lockdown was lifted at 8:50 a.m. We will continue to assure you that the safety and well-being of all La Joya ISD students and staff are of utmost importance to us. ****************** ⚠️ACTUALIZACIÓN DEL DISTRITO ⚠️ La Joya ISD inició un cierre a las 8:22 a. m. luego de una notificación del Departamento de Policía de La Joya sobre una presencia no autorizada en las instalaciones del edificio de transporte de La Joya ISD. Nuestro Jefe de Policía coordinó de inmediato con la Ciudad de La Joya para identificar a posibles intrusos y garantizar la seguridad de los campus de La Joya ISD, incluidos La Joya High School, Thelma Salinas STEM High School, Jimmy Carter Early College, CCC, Academic Health Science Profession. , Hope y la Oficina Central de La Joya ISD. Una vez que se confirmó que todas las áreas eran seguras, el cierre se levantó a las 8:50 a. m. Queremos asegurarles que la seguridad y el bienestar de todos los estudiantes y el personal de La Joya ISD son de suma importancia para nosotros.
about 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
district update please see post
Our school hours will remain unaffected, maintaining our regular schedule. Please note that there might be bus delays due to additional stops, ensuring that students won't have to walk longer distances to reach a bus stop. Your child's convenience and safety remain our top priorities, Thank you. ****************** Nuestro horario escolar seguirá sin cambios, Tome en cuenta que puede haber retrasos en los autobuses debido a paradas adicionales, asegurando que los estudiantes no tengan que caminar distancias largas para llegar a una parada de autobús. La seguridad de su hijo/a sigue siendo nuestra máxima prioridad, gracias.
about 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
Weather Update see post for additional details
⚠️DISTRICT UPDATE⚠️: Important Notification: The cause of a gas odor emanating in the north western part of the county. ****************** ⚠️ACTUALIZACIÓN DEL DISTRITO⚠️ : Notificación importante: Ubicación y la causa de un olor a gas que emana en la parte noroeste del condado.
about 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
Hidalgo County emergency management officials have determined the location and the cause of a gas odor emanating in the north western part of the county.
Hidalgo County emergency management officials have determined the location and the cause of a gas odor emanating in the north western part of the county.
Los funcionarios de manejo de emergencias del condado de Hidalgo han determinado la ubicación y la causa de un olor a gas que emana en la parte noroeste del condado.